Personalize eCommerce experiences for every shopper with AI's personalization engine helps retailers grow revenue multi-fold with the power of AI that constantly learns and re-learns customer behavior as it relates to their business needs.

Trusted by over 150+ retailers across the globe

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AI personalization engine built to match retail business goals allows every retailer to customize AI personalization models to work best for their business. The personalization engine builds nuanced shopper profiles for every shopper by learning from their actions on the site and mapping it to rich product data. Using this, the AI finds, and brings to the surface through the shopping journey, the products in the catalog that the shopper would most likely purchase.

Visual of how’s personalization engine works
Visual of how’s personalization engine works
Visual of how’s personalization engine works

Delivering your revenue marketing goals

uplift in conversion rate
of total business revenue directly attributable to
increase in user engagement in six months
higher revenue per visitor
Easy A/B tests and experiments
Low code integration

Personalization across the shopper journey

Product Pages
Product Listing
Cart Pages
An example of recommendations on the homepage
Decrease bounce rate and increase engagement on the homepage. Avoid cold starts. Personalization strategies:
  1. Personalized recommendations
  2. Personalized banners
An example of recommendations on the product pages
Monetize the high intent on product pages by recommending products similar and complementary to the one shoppers are seeing.Personalization strategies:
  1. Similarity based recommendations
  2. Complementary products for cross-sell
An example of recommendations on the product listing pages
Decrease bounce rate and help shoppers find the products that are most relevant to them easily, without having to scroll too much on the page.Personalization strategies:
  1. Personalized sorting of results
  2. Personalized recommendations
  3. Next-Best Alternatives recommendations for no-result pages
An example of recommendations on the cart page
Increase Average Order Value by increasing cross-sell opportunities on the cart page. Personalization strategies:
  1. Personalized recommendations for cross-sell
  2. Replenish recommendations for quick habitual purchases
An example of recommendations for email and push notifications
Get people back to your site through personalized notifications on mail and mobile.Personalization strategies:
  1. Top recommendations for every shopper
  2. Personalized offers on products AI-Powered Personalization Platform is a single platform retailers can use to create personalized shopper journeys within and outside their site.

Image of the dashboard

Dynamic 1:1 personalization

One platform. Everything you need.

Enhances & generates data

Make the AI your own

AI enabled decision making’s personalization engine integrates with

and many more eCommerce platforms

Why choose’s personalization solution

Product Intelligence AI

Product Intelligence
with AI

 1:1 Personalization


 Dynamic Personalization


Customizable AI


Built for Retail

for Retail

Easy integration


Karen Bruck

Karen Bruck,

VP Marketplace

When it comes to product discovery on an eCommerce platform, everything from our search algorithm and recommendations to what we send on our email and push notifications is important. That is why we are partnering with, to push the bar and introduce world standards to our platform.

“Amazing product with
amazing support”

It is very easy to work with them. They are very supportive of changes, new features, and give you insights. They have been there when we needed them; in tough times during COVID they were highly supportive and helpful. They are always reaching out to see if we are ok and need more help. The product works amazingly well in giving recommendations and the API for email as well.

Santiago V, Cofounder, Vestua

Chris Homer, Co-Founder & CTO

Chris Homer,

Co-Founder & CTO

“’s technology powers personalisation - Customers fill out a style profile, tell us what they like and upload mood boards from Pinterest. Then, combining’s technology plus our own stylists in the loop, we curate a box for them. Customers receive 10-12 items, try them and return what doesn’t work. It gives our customers convenience, freedom, privacy, flexibility and we found to be a very powerful addition to the platform.”

A great recommendation engine that can curate to your business needs. They are evolving to create more solutions that are helping us provide relevant product recommendations to our customers across different customer touchpoints. We are trying to create a better customer experience by automating product recommendations across the funnel. Since the integrations, we have seen an uplift in our conversion rate and AOV across the business.

Ankit B, Head Of Digital

Shoji Kimura, CFO, Vestua

Shoji Kimura,


With’s Personalization Suite, we saw 8x the engagement from users who had interacted with, compared to those who didn’t. The average basket size per order via recommendations was 40% larger than that of non-engaged users. The team has also been really prompt with suggestions for constantly improving results.

Santiago Valdes, Co-founder, Vestua

Santiago Valdes,

Co-founder, Vestua

In resale today, scale equals technology, and we’re really seeing the impact of leveraging recommendations with Given that with resale you have unique, one of a kind items, its frustrating when there’s no second piece of an item. This is when recommendations can help with the closest style, size etc.

Kishore Mardikar

Kishore Mardikar,


We worked with to introduce the recommendation component on our homepage and there are positive benefits. The recommendations component actually has given us the ability to move the traffic more towards the category pages and has improved the performance of the homepages.

Request a free demo

AI-powered personalization engine

Custom demos typically last for 30 minutes. In this time, you can expect to:

  1. Get an in-depth understanding of the personalization solution.
  2. Understand how other retailers are using the solution to achieve their business goals.
  3. Discuss your unique needs and challenges.

One of our experts will get in touch with you on your work email. Rest assured, we respect your privacy.

Read how an iconic lifestyle brand built 1:1 dynamic shopper journeys with, achieving an 80% increase in conversion rate.


How a Lifestyle Brand Grew with
1:1 Shopper Journeys

Purple Style Labs achieved a 26.3% increase in user engagement rate with dynamic personalization.


Premium Marketplace
Personalizes Digital Luxury

Learn how retailers have been using’s personalization solution to see business growth.


3 Reasons Retailers See ROI with’s Personalization Solution