Personalization Glossary

A/B testing? Recommendation models? The personalization engine space uses several acronyms that may seem daunting, so we're here to help. You can find definitions to the most common e-commerce customer experience optimization terms here!

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CRM Onboarding

Customer data onboarding is the process of linking offline data with online attributes. The CRM onboarding done in an organization is a crucial step of the process towards real-time dynamic 1:1 personalization, enabling targeting of visitors both efficiently and accurately. Including the omnichannel personalization platform with CRM data reveals the value that can be secured during visitor site arrival. This helps tailor and customise the CX when they enter the site, thereby boosting performance and conversions.  

Fact: Did you know that according to a study 50% of CRM implementations have failed?

Best Practices for CRM Onboarding in an organization:

  • Setting long term goals and expectations:
  • Collation and compilation of data from all sources
  • To direct a high level of focus towards the relationship with the onboarded customer
  • On-going analysis and evaluation of customer demands and necessities 
  • Customization of the experience for the customer once they are onboarded
  • Onboarding of product updates and feature add-ons

The Works:

To link a CRM with an online user, a commonality identifier is needed, preferably the user’s email address (hashed). When the user logs in, the unique identifier is reported, normally by means of a custom event, which in turn is mapped to the relevant CRM entry and attributes associated with this user.

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