Personalization Glossary

A/B testing? Recommendation models? The personalization engine space uses several acronyms that may seem daunting, so we're here to help. You can find definitions to the most common e-commerce customer experience optimization terms here!

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Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is a metric that assesses the percentage of people who visit only a single page on the site and leave without any further interaction on the site.  It is conventionally used to measure the overall engagement of a  website.

Users who are counted as part of the bounce percentage include

  1. The people who land on the homepage and move away without taking further action 
  2. The ones who come to a product page or a category page and move away without further interaction 
  3. Users who come from a search site looking for information or contact details. 

The average bounce rate for eCommerce sites is 45.68%. Bounce rates are essential because they are indicative of two things:

  1. The page/product failed to effectively convince the user to move ahead on the site. It did not inspire enough confidence to take the transaction ahead. 
  2. Your ranking on search pages is directly affected by the number of bounces on the site. The higher the bounce rate the lower the ranking, making it more difficult for users to find your site during a search. 

Mathematically, it is the ratio of the total number of single-page visits to the total number of entries to a website. It represents the percentage of visitors who navigated away from the domain after viewing one page – it is tracked by the number of sessions that started and ended on the same page. 

Bounce rates can be measured using google analytic tools that can help pinpoint how long a person stayed on the website. Additionally, tools like heat maps, click maps, scroll maps, and on-site surveys can shed more light on where and why users are leaving the site. 

Bounce rates can be reduced by ensuring the site looks trustworthy, loads faster, and is error-free. AI-powered solutions also can encourage users to remain on the site. Solutions that target users with products that are personalized and occur from the first touch-point can help reduce bounce rates. Understanding recent, and past browsing history and tailoring the pages according to a user’s profile is also a sure way to ensure users remain engaged. Using images that are true to the actual product, multiple views of the product and a more inclusive way to see the product also is useful for customer retention. 

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