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An experience is a customer touchpoint—the point of contact or interaction that a customer shares with your assets throughout the customer journey. These touchpoints can be pages on the site, a marketing email, an ad, ratings and reviews page, or a customer support center. With VueX, you can create an experience for every page on the website by combining one or more modules. You can select a page to create the experience, add the recommendation module, and specify the modules' behavior and placement. Optionally, you can also configure business rules to modify the recommendation result.

For example, you can set up an experience in the add to cart page by placing modules such as Customers who bought this also bought and Inspired by your browsing history to prompt the customer to add additional items to the cart.

Some examples of experience are listed below:

  • Trending product recommendation on the home page to engage new customers.

  • Similar Product recommendation on the product display page to showcase additional/relevant products from the catalog.

  • Frequently Bought Together recommendation on the cart page.

  • Similarity module made available on a popup on click of a button in the Product Listing page next to each product.

Customize Platform#

You can choose to define experience differently for the same page for different platforms like desktop and mobile. This helps you to customize experience for target platforms.

Customize Placement & Behavior#

While you create experience, you can play around by positioning the modules anywhere on your webpage and choosing what works best for you. Also the modules placed can be customized to render inline or on a popup, on click of a button.

Note: Placement & behavior are not applicable for modules integrated via APIs.

Add Business Rules#

You can define business rules with any conditions on your modules, which works as filters on top of the recommendations.

Examples of different business rules that can be configured in the tool:

  • Price filter without condition - Apply Business rules to show products within a price range of 80% to 120% of price of source product.
  • Brand filter with condition - Apply Business rules to show products of a particular brand when source product belongs to category footwear.
  • Sale filter without condtiion - Apply business rules to only show products that are under sale.

Check Live Preview#

If the VueX Javascript is added to your webpages, Live preview is made available on the tool and using this you can check out how the experiences look like for the users on your website even before taking them live.


Live preview is not applicable for modules integrated via APIs.