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Image API#

This API returns product image that satisfies the given query conditions.


Request Type#



The base URL will be provided to you at the time of onboarding.

GET <base_url>/mail/v3/image

Request Parameters#

api_keystringyesClient's api key
module_namestringyesName of the module that has to be invoked.
image_nointegeryesPosition of the image in the carousel that appears in the email
product_idstringnoUnique ID of the source product for which we need to return recommendations.
user_idstringyesUnique ID associated by the merchant to the user in the site.
tsstringyestimestamp at which the request was made. Preferrably an epoch timestamp.


The response is a valid image or a blank image if the request is invalid.

Link API#

This API redirects to the configured page when clicking on the product image in the email.


Request Type#



The base URL will be provided to you at the time of onboarding.

GET <base_url>/mail/v3/link

Request Parameters#

api_keystringyesClient's api key
module_namestringyesName of the module that has to be invoked.
image_nointegeryesPosition of the image in the carousel that appears in the email
product_idstringnoUnique ID of the source product for which we need to return recommendations.
user_idstringyesUnique ID associated by the merchant to the user in the site.
tsstringyestimestamp at which the request was made. Preferrably an epoch timestamp.


Redirects to the website page as per configuration.